Destiny 2's Heresy has been great for buildcrafting so far, but Bungie may have gone overboard with one feature, making it a ...
Destiny 2’s repertoire of Heretical weapons expanded in Heresy Act 2 and one of the best additions might surprise you.
Destiny 2 has long been avoiding one highly requested feature, and Heresy Act 2 further proves how badly it's needed.
Maintenance periods in Destiny 2 are common before major updates, and server issues seem to be almost as constant. The ...
Bungie has announced incoming fixes along with tuning for Destiny 2 perks that will nerf special weapons performing "too well ...
Bungie has shared the Destiny 2 update 8.2.5 patch notes, and they reveal buffs, nerfs, and fixes for Episode Heresy Act 2.
The first Act of Destiny 2’s latest Episode, Heresy, was packed with content. From the new roguelite activity to a new dungeon, Exotic mission, and Trials of Osiris revamp. While it was a lot to go ...
Barrow-Dyad is one of the more fun exotics that Destiny 2 has introduced in Episode: Heresy, and it gets more fun when you ...
Heresyhas finally launched the second of their three part story, as Act II: Court Of Blades, and the Guardian Games, are out ...
Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 2 introduces more Hive-themed content, including the new Court of Blades activity more gear to chase.
There's a new submachine gun on the block courtesy of Act II of Destiny 2 Episode Heresy. Here's how to get it and what are ...
The new Court of Blades activity in Destiny 2 offers a condensed, shorter matchmade activity with tons of loot to earn.