A Bering Air Cessna 208 Caravan carrying 10 people went missing over Alaska on Thursday afternoon while flying to Nome.
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The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
Captain Dan Veerhusen and Jan, his wife, run the Taurus, one of the few remaining boats that still fish herring in the Bering ...
Rebecca Howard is a marine biologist who spent six years in graduate school — largely funded by federal scholarship dollars — ...
Bering Sea fishermen have harvested roughly 60 percent of this year’s total allowable harvest of snow crabs. But there’s limited processing capacity for the catch. Fishermen have unloaded ...
Poking holes in the sea floor that used to be part of the Bering Land Bridge ... bridge between the grasslands of Siberia and ice age Alaska. Since the late 1970s, the University of Alaska ...
The new course reroutes mushers and their dog teams around a difficult stretch of trail north of the Alaska Range ... Gold Rush town of Nome on the Bering Sea coast in about 10 days.
There is 1 D1 Bering Sea high school boys basketball game in Alaska on Thursday, March 14, 2024. The first game, Shaktoolik vs Kake, starts at .
Alaska, with her husband and fellow long-distance musher Cody Strathe where they raise sled dogs at Squid Acres Kennel. The name comes from her master’s thesis on squid in the Bering Sea.