All manner of tea lattes, from chai to matcha to lapsang souchong, are growing in popularity, and we have the expert scoop on ...
Plus, Brown tells us her morning routine in this exclusive. Reviewed by Dietitian Emily Lachtrupp, M.S., RD Today, Florence ...
So much so that I measure my mornings by the size of the latte I order or make at home. And fake milk? Well, of all those boxes sidling up next to the real thing in the supermarket refrigerator ...
Eventually, I abandoned the habit and started ordering my lattes with 2% milk. Luckily, Starbucks stopped charging extra for alternative milks in November, so I decided to give them all another try.
All is not lost for Starbucks fans, who should be accustomed to the seasonal turnover of Starbucks' menu. So as you bid adieu to the Frappuccinos and lattes that are being discontinued ...