The Baganda: An Account of Their Native Custom and Beliefs ... Structural Adjustment in Uganda. Kampala: Uganda Women's Network. Vaughan, Megan. 1991. Curing their Ills: Colonial Power and African ...
As a commemoration activity for the International Women’s day celebrations, Because of Her Uganda, a feminist youth-led ...
When I was young (with hair only on my head), it was rare to find Baganda, born and bred in Buganda ... it is the most widely spoken language in Uganda. To save Luganda, Buganda needs to ...
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Southwold, M. 1973. "The Baganda of Central Uganda" in Molnos, A. ed. Cultural Source Materials for Population Planning in East Africa: Beliefs and Practices.
Uganda’s cultural diversity exposes young people to different foods, amazing experiences and ways of life. This was evident during the three-day cultural festival at the Uganda Martyrs University (UMU ...
Bark-cloth making is an ancient craft of the Baganda people who live in the Buganda kingdom in southern Uganda. Traditionally, craftsmen of the Ngonge clan, headed by a kaboggoza, the hereditary chief ...