Garth Ennis and Henry Flint create a new Judge Dredd Vs Johnny Alpha story for 2000AD Prog 2437 in Rebellion/2000AD's full ...
Judge Dredd is best known for maintaining a ruthless ... and the look but still use all the cool things you can only do in comics. KN: I wanted to make it clear these stories are all a connected ...
Predator vs. Judge Dredd delivers a perfect blend of action, brutality, and efficiency in an epic grudge match. Like many of the best comic book characters, Judge Dredd has a long history of ...
In the upcoming comic book adaption "Dredd," Olivia Thirlby plays a rookie judge, which is a supercop with the power to try, ...
Trade association Comic Book UK to lobby for recognition over importance as export industry and value as IP developer ...
Here is a comic strip that predicted everything from labour automation to the rise of authoritarian government to the banning of smoking in public. We should be deeply unnerved by how much its writers ...
Pete Travis and Alex Garland did the unthinkable back in 2012, producing a version of 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd that captured the ...
Based on the "Judge Dredd" stories in the British comic anthology series "2000 A.D.," the movie follows Stallone as the eponymous Judge Dredd, one of a number of "judges" who serve as judge ...
2000AD Prog 2424 and Judge Dredd Megazine 478 hit the stands this week, on sale Wednesday 19th March, with “Nu Earth War ...