And it seems that, until such a time as researchers have meticulously examined all of Jules Verne’s later manuscripts, publications, and correspondence, the question of authenticity in these works ...
On July 1, 1905, and for a month, the Magasin d’Education et de Récréation serialized a novel by Jules Verne titled ...
Aubry's "Le roman moderne d'hypothèse scientifique" (La Revue des Idées, 1906 No. 37) to the latest monograph by Henri Baudin, La science-fiction (Paris 1971), all French students of SF have granted a ...
French author Jules Verne gave us some astoundingly accurate ... In his book, My Airships, Santos-Dumont mentioned several of Verne's works as inspirations for his curiosity about the world ...
Jules Verne (1828–1905) would approve ... Notably, Verne chose to work within limits. That is, the limits of what was possible, given the laws of physics. In our time, we call this discipline ...
As Radio 4 embarks on a journey To the Ends of the Earth with a set of Victorian adventure stories, we examine how the work of 19th-century French novelist Jules Verne feeds into the modern ...