These upcoming episodes feature locations with rich history, scenic landscapes, and vibrant local culture in Passaic County.
Just about everything old looks new again inside Lambert Castle, the Passaic County landmark that has been restored to its ...
The Passaic County budget includes a plan to address the $30 million budget gap created by the phased-out COVID federal funds.
Prosecutors in three New Jersey counties, along with federal authorities, announced a massive drug bust on Thursday that ...
After hours of trying to catch her, Molly was eventually found cold but unharmed on a little island in the river.
A multi-agency investigation into a large-scale drug network has resulted in 23 arrests and the seizure of more than four ...
The original contractor bid $295,000 for the project in 1896, but by the time the courthouse opened, it had cost $478,000.
Police and firefighters in New Jersey came to the rescue of a pink runaway poodle who jumped into the Passaic River and made ...
After hours of trying to catch her, Molly was eventually found cold but unharmed on a little island in the river.