Editor’s note: Kara Alaimo is an associate professor of communication at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her book “Over the Influence: Social Media Is Toxic for Women and Girls — And How We ...
According to the WHO's Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko began after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours following hemorrhagic fever symptoms. There have long ...
T he sun is barely rising in rural Burundi when we begin our medical rounds in the pediatric ward. I am an American, doctoring in this central African nation, far away from my home in northern Ohio.
Crushell said the children were so sick they were referred for genetic testing because the pediatricians in the emergency departments suspected a metabolic disorder. Most of them came into the ...
This year’s cold and flu season has been particularly brutal in Florida, with hospitals at capacity and sick kids often waiting hours for care –– unfortunately, this coincides with an ...
Crushell said the children were so sick they were referred for genetic testing because the pediatricians in the emergency departments suspected a metabolic disorder. Most of them came into the ...