The right of the people to keep and bear arms, enshrined in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, is centered not on hunting or sport shooting but on the natural right of self-defense.
28 —Joseph Story The Second Amendment in some ways may be on safer footing today than it has been for several decades. Recent Supreme Court rulings have affirmed core aspects of the right’s ...
The 2nd Amendment is a FUCKING BOY’S COAT ... A detailed roadmap to abolition that involves the military and the police and a whole host of informants — and, probably, a hell of a lot of ...
New York State’s Climate Shakedown In 2010, five Supreme Court justices invalidated Chicago’s handgun ban, rejecting the argument that the Second Amendment was a “second-class right.” ...
President Trump is making good on his promise to defend and strengthen the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Just recently, the president signed an executive order, Protecting ...
Peterson, which held that noise suppressors (aka silencers or mufflers) are not "Arms" protected by the Second Amendment. As I recently posted about the case here, the decision overlooked that ...
On the county level, unofficial returns show 16,551 voting yes to a Second Amendment Sanctuary and 5,603 voting no. “I’m so happy with these results,” Tea Party President Rhonda Holland said ...
HOLLIDAYSBURG — Blair County residents in support of creating a Second Amendment sanctuary are proposing use of the county court system to address alleged violations. The residents, who ...