74% of billionaire wealth in the EU is derived from inheritance, monopoly power or crony connections. Richest 1% in 12 EU countries extracted €84.4 billion from the Global South in 2023. Oxfam ...
Companies and consumers have high hopes that electricity prices will return to levels seen before the coronavirus pandemic. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the departure from using Russian gas, ...
A study led by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL shows that there has been a worrying increase in the number of long droughts over the last 40 years. These affect ...
In 2024, solar generated 11% of EU electricity, overtaking coal which fell below 10% for the first time, according to the ...
Whether a state emerges as a winner or loser from a military conflict is significantly determined by its financial resources.
Will President Trump really deport millions of people from the USA by force? In his presence, the Protestant Bishop of ...
Almost half of executives believe that their use of Gen AI has driven a rise in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and 42% have had to relook at their ...
Die Hoffnung von Unternehmen und Verbraucher ist groß, dass sich die Strompreise wieder auf dem Vor-Corona-Niveau einpendeln. FAU-Ökonom desillusioniert Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Nach der ...
Germanwatch zum Amtsantritt Trumps: Neue Allianzen können weltweite Dynamik bei Klimaschutz aufrecht erhalten. Die Umwelt- und Entwicklungsorganisation Germanwatch fordert zum Amtsantritt von Donald ...