Hundreds of Finns fought with the German Waffen-SS in Ukraine during World War II. New research shows that many of them were convinced Nazis and may have committed atrocities. The finding has ...
Who still dares to protest the war in Russia? Women. They hold up signs, lay flowers, hide messages in books and write to political prisoners. DER SPIEGEL spent months following three of them.
Herbert Kickl, who now has good chances of becoming Austria's next chancellor, has radicalized the FPÖ in recent years. He ...
The Catholic Church is not exactly known for its tolerance of transsexuals. But after a priest near Rome called the Vatican's attention to the difficulties faced by a group of transsexuals in his ...
Boost for the Right Wing Why Did a German Newspaper Help Elon Musk Interfere in German Politics? Ever since Elon Musk threw his support behind the right-wing AfD party in the pages of Die Welt ...
Titanenwurz ist extrem selten und vom Aussterben bedroht. Außerdem stinkt die Blüte der Pflanze bestialisch nach verrottendem ...
Kaum ist Donald Trump zurück im Weißen Haus, zieht er die USA aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen ab. Nun verspricht Michael ...
Olena G. soll sich als »Obristin des FSB« ausgegeben haben, die im Auftrag des Kreml russisches Staatseigentum in Deutschland ...
Der SWR plant in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz eigene »Wahlarena-Sendungen«. Dorthin muss er nun die jeweiligen ...
Sollte er Kanzler werden, will CDU-Chef Merz seine Richtlinienkompetenz gezielt einsetzen, mit schärferen Grenzkontrollen ab ...