Marc Márquez Alentà va néixer el 17 de febrer de 1993 a Cervera, Lleida, és un destacat pilot de motociclisme espanyol que ...
After a strong start to 2025, Honda’s momentum continued in Argentina, where fans of the Japanese brand were treated to ...
Sí, sí, sí, no podem aguantar l'eufòria. Marc Márquez ha tornat i de quina manera. Després que la temporada passada tornés a deixar espurnes del seu nivell, el de Cervera ha il·lusionat de nou a tots ...
Marc Marquez has become the first rider ever to start off a MotoGP campaign with back-to-back poles, sprint wins and Grand Prix victories ...
A tense fight between the brothers unfolds in Termas as Morbidelli keeps Bagnaia behind to clinch a long-awaited Grand Prix ...
Alex Marquez led much of the way in Argentina, but ultimately had to give best to brother Marc who now has four wins from ...
Marc Marquez won the Argentina Grand Prix on Sunday. The Spaniard with the official Ducati ended the race ahead of his ...
Maluma, més estrepitós i pirotècnic, amb més ballarines (deu), i més músics, que no sigui dit (sis, i ben visibles, no pas en ...
Marc Márquez ha quedat primer en la classificació del Gran Premi de l'Argentina fent notar la seva superioritat davant el seu ...
Baby whale sharks remain one of the biggest mysteries in marine science, but new research suggests their birthplaces may be tied to oceanographic features like oxygen minimum zones.
After winning both the Sprint and the Grand Prix at the opening MotoGP round in Thailand last weekend, Marc Marquez’s prospects in the 2025 MotoGP World Championship have been compared to those ...