The Cardano blockchain will transition to a decentralized governance structure after the Plomin hard fork takes effect, the Cardano Foundation said in a Jan. 29 X post, writing: “The Plomin hard ...
A blockchain hard fork is a change in programming that is incompatible with the old programming. This essentially creates a new blockchain, and sometimes a new cryptocurrency. Hard forks generally ...
Plomin comes just four months after Cardano implemented the “Chang” hard fork, which put in place many of the mechanisms that went into effect on Wednesday. (Hard forks are major updates made to a ...
Proof-of-stake blockchain Cardano will switch to decentralized governance later Wednesday after the Plomin hard fork takes effect, Cardano Foundation, a non-profit organization backing the project ...
Cardano Foundation CTO Giorgio Zinetti joins CoinDesk with the latest update on the Plomin hard fork deployment, which has switched the blockchain to decentralized governance. Plus, insights into ...