SQL Server Functions - W3Schools
SQL Server has many built-in functions. This reference contains string, numeric, date, conversion, and some advanced functions in SQL Server.
What are the Microsoft SQL database functions? - SQL Server
Oct 17, 2024 · Learn about the categories of built-in functions you can use with SQL databases. You can use the built-in functions or create your own user-defined functions. Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. They're allowed in the select list or the HAVING clause of a SELECT statement.
SQL Functions (Aggregate and Scalar Functions) - GeeksforGeeks
May 17, 2024 · SQL Functions are built-in programs that are used to perform different operations on the database. There are two types of functions in SQL: SQL Aggregate Functions operate on a data group and return a singular output. They are mostly used with the GROUP BY clause to summarize data.
SQL Server Built-in Functions - TutorialsTeacher.com
The following is the list of built-in String functions, DateTime functions, Numeric functions and conversion functions. Returns the ASCII code value for the leftmost character of a character …
SQL Functions With Examples - Built In
Mar 19, 2025 · SQL functions are prewritten actions that can be called on a cell, record or database to flexibly manipulate and extract information for further analysis. Take a closer look at the main types of SQL functions and how to use each.
Introduction to built-in functions in SQL [FULL LIST] - SQLearning
Built-in functions: These are the system’s own functions, already defined by SQL Server. User-defined functions: These are functions created by the user to define their own personalized functionality. You can take a look at: User functions
Built-In Functions (SQL Server) - Essential SQL
Jul 10, 2015 · In SQL a built-in function is a piece for programming that takes zero or more inputs and returns a value. An example of a built-in function is ABS (), which when given a value …
SQL Server: Functions - Listed by Category - TechOnTheNet
For easy reference, we have provided a list of all SQL Server (Transact-SQL) functions. The list of SQL Server functions is sorted into the type of function based on categories such as string, conversion, advanced, numeric/mathematical, and date/time functions. These functions can be used in SQL statements or queries in SQL Server.
SQL Functions - SQL Tutorial
SQL built-in functions are pre-defined functions that can be used to manipulate and perform operations on data stored in a database. These functions can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, such as performing calculations, transforming data, formatting data, and extracting data.
SQL Functions
This section provides you with many built-in SQL functions including aggregate functions, date functions, string functions, control flow functions, window functions, and math functions. In this tutorial, you will learn about the SQL aggregate functions including AVG (), COUNT (), MIN (), MAX (), and SUM ().