The Blue Beetle Show Was DCTV's Biggest Missed Opportunity
Apr 21, 2023 · Blue Beetle is about to find box office stardom on the big screen. But according to some 2010 tweets from former DC President and CCO Geoff Johns, there was interest in …
Blue Beetle (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom
Blue Beetle is the legacy name of several super-heroes in the DC Universe. Dan Garrett is the original version, an archaeologist who discovers and uses the Blue Beetle Scarab to fight crime.
Blue Beetle - Wikipedia
With the rest of the Charlton Comics superhero line-up, Blue Beetle was sold to DC Comics in 1983. A new Blue Beetle series starring Ted Kord began publication in 1986, integrating the …
Blue Beetle (film) - Wikipedia
Blue Beetle is a 2023 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle. Directed by Ángel Manuel Soto and written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer, it is the …
Blue Beetle's History, Powers, and Road to the Big Screen
Jul 30, 2023 · Warner Bros. and DC recently released the latest trailer for Blue Beetle. The film is directed by Angel Manuel Soto and stars Xolo Maridueña as the lead character of Jaime …
11 Blue Beetle Facts DC Comics Fans Know About The Superhero
Apr 5, 2023 · "Blue Beetle" stars Xolo Mariduena in the first cinematic take on the DC hero. Here's a breakdown of the character's history, stretching way back to the 1930's.
Ted Kord (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom
Ted Kord was the second hero to call himself Blue Beetle, successor to Dan Garrett and predecessor to Jaime Reyes. Garrett was his mentor and he vowed to take up the crime …
Blue Beetle | Official DC Character
A Blue Beetle has been a part of the superhero community in the DC Universe in some form since 1939, serving both as a solo adventurer and as a part of teams like the Justice League and the …
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Announces Blue Beetle | DC
Sep 20, 2023 · On September 26, “Blue Beetle” will be available for early Premium Digital Ownership at home for $24.99 and for 48-hour rental via PVOD for $19.99 SRP on …
Blue Beetle (TV Series) | DC Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Blue Beetle is a live-action series on CW, a spin-off from the Arrowverse shows. Ted Kord is a mentally challenged college student who is uncertain about his future. When Ted's uncle made …