Old SQL History in Oracle SQL Developer - Stack Overflow
Sep 12, 2014 · With respect to the SQL history folder, release notes cite this location in Windows 7: C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\SqlHistory. While this folder contains SQL History, it also contains: User-defined reports and user-defined snippets files (e.g. see 3.1 Sql Developer release notes) Here is my SQL History folder:
Oracle SQL Developer: How to transpose rows to columns using …
Apr 29, 2015 · Oracle SQL Developer: How to transpose rows to columns using PIVOT function ... Oracle SQL: Transpose ...
How to export large amount of data using sql developer - Oracle
May 7, 2015 · That would be a bug unless you hit an OutOfMemory or disk full condition. I just tried your scenario on at 55000 row table that produced an export.sql of about 20MB. All rows were included. Regards, Gary Graham SQL Developer Team. and as the summary, it suggested that the SQL developer is not the best tool to open a large size of data file.
oracle10g - How can I keep Oracle SQL Developer from closing …
Aug 20, 2009 · I have Toad and Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle SQL Developer is always disconnecting and attempting to connect, is very annoying, meanwhile Toad keeps the connection all day. Now I have to leave Toad for business reasons :(–
sql - Get list of all tables in Oracle? - Stack Overflow
Oct 15, 2008 · A new feature available in SQLcl( which is a free command line interface for Oracle Database) is. Tables alias. Here are few examples showing the usage and additional aspects of the feature. First, connect to a sql command line (sql.exe in windows) session. It is recommended to enter this sqlcl specific command before running any other commands ...
sql - DATEDIFF function in Oracle - Stack Overflow
Feb 9, 2015 · I need to use Oracle but DATEDIFF function doesn't work in Oracle DB. How to write the following code in Oracle? I saw some examples using INTERVAL or TRUNC. SELECT DATEDIFF ('2000-01-01','2000-...
sql - How can I get column names from a table in Oracle ... - Stack ...
Jan 17, 2009 · In Oracle SQL Developer, You can get the column names by opening the table view, by expanding the Connections option in the Left Hand Pane. Then Navigate to the table and Click on it. This will open the Table View, listing out all the Column names and their details.
CASE .. WHEN expression in Oracle SQL - Stack Overflow
I have the table with 1 column and has following data Status a1 i t a2 a3 I want to display the following result in my select query Status| STATUSTEXT a1 | Active i | Inactive t |
oracle database - AutoTrace in sql Developer - Stack Overflow
Dec 16, 2013 · No better explanation than from Tom Kyte... the plan from autotrace is an explain plan. there is no statistic regarding hard parse and optimization - not sure where you are going with that, but the optimizer estimates cardinalities and those in turn with other statistics like clustering factor of indexes, blocks in tables and such - are used to derive IO estimations.
Oracle SQL Developer multiple table views - Stack Overflow
Sep 5, 2019 · In Oracle SQL Developer, one can list the data in a table using the Data tab when viewing a table. there where can add, delete, edit or just viewing records of table currently viewd the problem is that we often really need to view more than one table at once, then we need more than one tab opened, thing that i dont know how to do that, any ...