Orly Genger - Exhibitions - Stux Gallery
For Orly Genger, who transforms knitting’s simple homespun aesthetic from the soft-core realm of winter scarves, afghan sweaters, and cozy blankets into the hard-core realm of obdurate …
Orly Genger and Jaclyn Mayer's Knitted Delights - Dazed
Jan 16, 2009 · The sleek, elegant, cloth and chain necklaces and cuffs that Orly Genger finger-knits for her collaboration with jewellery designer Jaclyn Mayer are as far from a mumsy …
exhibitions. 2023 moody center for the arts; 2018 longhouse reserve; 2016 waller creek; 2014 brown university; 2014 oklahoma contemporary; 2014 the contemporary austin
Orly Genger - LongHouse Reserve
Using the vernacular techniques of crocheting, knitting, and knotting, Orly Genger, creates monumental sculptures with rope—transforming this workday material into powerful yet pliable …
Orly Genger - Be Sweet Blog Waggle Dancing
Feb 29, 2012 · Using the vernacular techniques of crocheting, knitting, and knotting, the 12th Rappaport Prize winner, Orly Genger, creates monumental sculptures with rope – …
Oct 2, 2005 · Genger transforms knitting’s intimate, homespun aesthetic into large-scale works that relate more to post-Minimal sculpture and the color fields of late modernist painting than to …
Orly Genger. Red, Yellow and Blue | Meer
May 7, 2013 · As she adopts the intimate, domestic, and traditionally “feminine” activity of knitting, Genger creates large-scale, monolithic, “masculine” constructions that actively challenge and …
Knitted Gradient Books By Orly Genger – Turning a New Page
Dec 31, 2016 · I came across Orly Genger‘s knitted gradient books recently and as you can see, they are beautiful. It dawns on me now that they also serve as the perfect symbol for the …
Orly Genger | Knit art, Yarn art, Textile fiber art - Pinterest
For starters, there is American artist Orly Genger, who knits climbing and lobster rope. The sheer size of it a challenge to one’s imagination. And a tribute to the lady’s obsessivenes.
Caught: Orly Genger - Interview Magazine
May 5, 2009 · For the new collection, Genger knit a variety of types of rope, including bulky boating rope, the nylon climbing rope that has become her signature medium, and simple …