SQL How to remove duplicates within select query?
Sep 12, 2010 · I have a table which looks like that: As You see, there are some date duplicates, so how to select only one row for each date in that table? the column 'id_from_other_table' is from INNER JOIN wi...
Removing duplicates from a SQL query (not just "use distinct")
Feb 7, 2014 · but this will only remove duplicates where a row has both the same u.name and p.pic_id. I want it so if there is any duplicates of the names, it just leaves out the other rows. It's a weird query, but in general, how can I apply the distinct to a single column of the SELECT clause?
sql server - How can I remove duplicate rows? - Stack Overflow
I need to remove duplicate rows from a fairly large SQL Server table (i.e. 300,000+ rows). The rows, of course, will not be perfect duplicates because of the existence of the RowID identity field.
SQL - Remove the duplicate Results - Stack Overflow
You can use the DISTINCT in SQL Server to get the distinct records only. Apart from this you can also use the ROW_NUMBER (Transact-SQL) function to get the distinct result by assigning the numbers to a result set.
sql - How can I delete duplicate rows in a table - Stack Overflow
Sep 18, 2008 · I have a table with say 3 columns. There's no primary key so there can be duplicate rows. I need to just keep one and delete the others. Any idea how to do this is Sql Server?
sql - Delete duplicate rows using Sub-query - Stack Overflow
Sep 19, 2016 · I'm using SQL Server 2014 and utilizing the AdventureWorks2012 sample database provided by Microsoft. I'm trying to delete duplicate rows using sub-query below (option #2): /* Option #2: SUBQUER...
sql - Eliminating duplicate values based on only one column of the ...
My query: SELECT sites.siteName, sites.siteIP, history.date FROM sites INNER JOIN history ON sites.siteName = history.siteName ORDER BY siteName,date First part of the output: How can I remove the duplicates in siteName column? I want to leave only the updated one based on date column. In the example output above, I need the rows 1, 3, 6, 10
Finding duplicate values in a SQL table - Stack Overflow
So, it will give all the records which has more than one times same values in both columns. We some reason mistakely we had missed to add any constraints in SQL server table and the records has been inserted duplicate in all columns with front-end application. Then we can use below query to delete duplicate query from table.
How to remove duplicates from table using SQL query
I want to remove the duplicate entries based on 3 fields emp_name, emp_address and sex. and my resultant table (after removing the duplicates) should look like -
sql - Removing duplicate rows from table in Oracle - Stack Overflow
Mar 13, 2019 · 4) Added the Sum partition field the CTE query which will tag each row with the number rows in the group. So to select rows with duplicates, including the first item use "WHERE cnt > 1".