Top suggestions for David Cope |
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- Moderate
- Symphony
Percussion - Better When I'm
Dancing Lyrics - Ethan
Embry - Invention
No. 5 - Computer Created
Music - Bach Prelude
#7 - Experiments in Musical
Intelligence - An
Algorithm - Soprano
Guitar - Classical Music Composed
by Computer - Human or
Machine - Children's
Tales - Creative
Machine - Bach Fugue
13 - David Cope
Emmy - Piano
Vision - Bach Prelude
4 - EMIS
Interview - Emily
Howell - Mahler
Quartet - Sale of the Century
Australia Celebrity - Scion
Commercial - Soul
EMIS - Wheel Fortune
NZ - Musical
Creativity - Bach Prelude
8 - Celebrity Wheel of Fortune
New Zealand Part 1 - Mahler
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